Fever Scanning
To ensure that individuals entering a location are not running a high temperature, iVideo is proud to offer the Tauri infrared temperature scanner. It provides alerts when a person is running a high temperature within one second. The system uses an advanced algorithm for detecting and calculating heat signatures. Based on European technology, the highly accurate auto-calibrated sensor measures with a tolerance of +/- 0.5 degrees Fahrenheit. To purchase email info@ivideo.com or call 1-800-352-6150.
Why a Tauri temperature scanner?
- Provides the first layer of screening protection
- More hygienic with non-touch infrared technology
- Multiple devices can be monitored by a single user
- APS-1 adjustable pole stand with weighted base
- WMT-1 wall mount
- DTM-1/DTM-2 desktop stands
- Future firmware upgrades & options
- o ReAX control engine for integration with 3rd party devices
- o Photo & thermal result email alerts
- o Facial detection
- o Customized flagging
- o Digital signage capabilities
- TTS-10 (10.1” panel): $3,399
- TTS-15 (15.6” panel): $3,799
- TTS-21 (21.5” panel): $4,199
- email info@ivideo.com or call 800-352-6150