iVideo Technologies frequently offers value-added programs including demonstrations on digital signage systems and conferencing technologies, as well as seminars topics.
iVideo Annual Exposition:
iVideo’s 16th annual audio, video, and broadcast technology expo will be on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at the Columbus Hollywood Casino (200 Georgesville Rd, Columbus, Ohio). This event runs from 9:00 - 3:00 and you can register by emailing your interest to, or by filling out our contact page. Please note you must be 21 years old to attend.
Expo Seminars:
10:00 – Sony: The Use of AI to Improve Camera Performance.
11:00 – QSC: How remote monitoring benefits devices, facilities, and users.
12:00 – Yealink: AI Innovations in Future Workspaces
1:00 – Planar: Wide range of LED technologies (COB, GOB, SMD, flip-chip, micro-LED, ERO, etc.)